Before I fell in love with writing and drumming, I fell head over heels for drawing. As a little kid, I drew my favorite things: Astro Boy; Dick, Jane and Sally; and turtles. In college, I discovered figure drawing, which I still love. I even wrote about for Salon: "The Naked Truth About Nude Art Modeling.”
My dad encouraged me when I was growing up; he thought I’d become a graphic designer or illustrator. But ultimately it became a beloved avocation. I also enjoy taking iPhone pics—can’t beat the instant gratification.
The best part of creating visual art? For me it’s the tweaking, erasing and cropping. Like editing and revising in writing, it’s about polishing your work to a seamless shine.
I'm honored that two of my drawings were published in Persimmon Tree Magazine. Woman Looking Away (pastel on toned paper) appeared in the Winter 2023 issue and Woman Sitting (charcoal, graphite, pastel on toned paper) was in the Fall 2023 issue.