Hi! Welcome to my website!
I'm an essayist and feature writer. You'll find my byline in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Boston Globe Magazine, Salon, The Daily News, Newsday, Ozy, Weekly Humorist, Narratively, Next Avenue, Purple Clover, and elsewhere. Check my events page to see me at my next reading or storytelling event. Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Bluesky for updates on my latest project, a nostalgic memoir-in-progress that takes readers back to 1970s Rockaway NYC, when I was an ordinary teenage girl chasing an unlikely dream — to be a drummer in a rock-n-roll band.
I belong to ASJA (American Society of Journalists and Authors), the nation's only professional organization for independent nonfiction writers. Check out my writing awards and articles in which I’m quoted.
I spent many years as an award-winning custom content provider, speechwriter, and ghostwriter who helped organizations communicate to their target audience clearly, creatively, and concisely.
A born-and-bred New Yorker who’s lived in three of five boroughs, I’m happy to make my home in Manhattan and to be the lucky mom of two delightful young adults.
Thanks for stopping by. Click around and feel free to drop me a line so I can get to know you, too.

P.S. If you’re looking for the Robin Bernstein who’s a professor at Harvard, that’s not me but you can find her here. If you want the Robin Bernstein who used to be a U.S. diplomat, that's not me either but I wrote about her!